Bravo review of Since Yesterday
7 March 1985
Note: the original German is below this English translation.
Singles reviewed by Hannsjörd Rieman
Since Yesterday
(Korova 1249249)
A nice little song with a banging rhythm and a cute melody, which could be used as a lullaby for babies if it were a little softer. Just like the two angelic voices of the Strawberry Switchblade ladies. A huge hit in England.
2 stars out of 3
En nettes Liedchen mit knalligem Rhythmus, einer niedlichen Melodie, de, efwas sanfter aufbereitet, als Einschlafhilfe für Babys dienen könnte. Genauso wei die zwei Engelsstimmen der Strawberry-Switchblade-Ladies. In England ein Riesenhit.